
InformationDashboardDesign:DisplayingDataforAt-a-glanceMonitoring”byStephenFew...Thisisafantasticresourcepackedfullofexamplesofgoodandbad ...,,PerceptualEdge,adatavisualizationconsultancy,wasfoundedbyStephenFewin2003andcontinueduntil2020....TableauSoftwareSpotfireSASInstitute,StephenFew'sTableauPublicprofile.Viewinteractivedatavisualizationspublishedbythisauthor.,Stephenpresentedhis8coreideals...

12 Great Books About Data Visualization

Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-glance Monitoring” by Stephen Few ... This is a fantastic resource packed full of examples of good and bad ...

Perceptual Edge

Perceptual Edge, a data visualization consultancy, was founded by Stephen Few in 2003 and continued until 2020. ... Tableau Software Spotfire SAS Institute


Stephen Few's Tableau Public profile. View interactive data visualizations published by this author.

Stephen Few on Data Visualization

Stephen presented his 8 core ideals for effective data visualization tools. Stephen says that data visualization is just a tool.

Stephen Few's Review

We had that happen yesterday. Stephen Few posted a very positive review of our latest releases, Tableau Desktop 3.5, Tableau Server, and Tableau Reader in his ...

Visual Business Intelligence

Tableau is now introducing visualizations that are analytically impoverished. Tableau's vision has become blurred.

Was Stephen Few Right? My Concerns with a Company's ...

2013年10月31日 — In March of 2013 Stephen Few published a scathing review of Tableau 8. Few's thesis was that Tableau had caved to marketing pressure and its ...

關於資料視覺化的12 本好書

在解說如何建立出色的儀表板時,Stephen Few 也詳盡介紹了資料視覺化和設計理論的原理。Stephen Few 的其他書籍也都值得一讀,但這本最容易取得。 這本書的重點不在於 ...